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Red Mare Wines

Media & Trade

Tasting Notes:

For printable tasting notes on all current release and past vintage wines, visit our Winemaker Notes Page. There, you can download and print tasting, technical, vintage, vineyard and production notes on all the wines we have made. 


Brand Visual Assets:

Red Mare Wines logo and Icon
Red Mare Wines Icon
Photo of Winemaker Anne Vawter
Photo of Founder Jim Striegel
Photo of Associate Winemaker Jennifer Rue
Iconic Photo of The Red Mare
If any other brand assets are required, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Awards, Points, and Accolades:

Red Mare Wines . Cabernet Sauvignon . Accolades Sheet
Red Mare Wines . Chardonnay . Accolades Sheet
Red Mare Wines . La Vaquera . Accolades Sheet
Red Mare Wines . Sauvignon Blanc . Accolades Sheet
Red Mare Wines . Alpha Mare Red . Accolades Sheet
Red Mare Wines . Alpha Mare White . Accolades Sheet

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